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Straw Boys

In former times when house weddings were the norm it was common for groups, disguised in straw suits, to gatecrash (to come uninvited) the festivities. They would bring their own musicians and singers, taking over proceedings for a few minutes while they entertained the guests. The captain of the Straw Boys might well "kidnap" the bride, demanding a ransom of porter!

The straw suits are made from oaten straw, which was once in plentiful supply but is now becoming more difficult to find. Ideally the straw should be harvested by the old method of sickle or scythe as modern machinery breaks it up and chops it too short.

The suits consist of a headpiece which comes down to the shoulders and covers the face, and, either a long coat, or a vest and skirt. The straw is woven together to form the "garments" which are then quite robust.

Straw suits were worn as a disguise in earlier centuries during agrarian agitation and were obviously later adapted for the more sociable and innocent purpose of inveigling free drink at weddings!

The custom came close to extinction with the demise of house weddings but, fortunately, Bonane Straw Boys have again been active in recent times bringing with them all the mystery and excitement of the old tradition!


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